Virgo New Moon - Your Bud to Blossom Magic

Virgo New Moon - Your Bud to Blossom Magic

The loving energy of the Virgo maiden is for you to embrace her truth that ‘Nothing will change until you do’!

Will you organise to materialise more magic in your life?

The might of the Virgo maiden lies in her capacity to create from within, and this New Moon nudge is an invitation to deepen your discipline in the areas of health and well-being.

Are you willing to set sail on a (virgo) maiden voyage from a very earthy, practical and grounded perspective? To be real about what you consistently feel to do next? Is it time to move and stretch your body? Eat more nutritious foods? Begin a meditation practice, or move from ‘busy’ to breathing in the beauty of nature?

The earth needs your vitality and high vibrational frequency to keep evolving in positive, powerful ways; if you are always tired and stressed out, it’s pretty hard to fuel your focus…and where your focus flows, is precisely what grows!

Spring clean your state of mind, detox your body, purify your heart and sing to your soul because your ‘bud to blossom’ magic is ready to unfold!

You chose to be a torchbearer for these times; navigate a new normal into your day. Be an enlightened earth engineer shifting low energy from limitation to exquisite LIGHT! This light sows seeds of self-sufficient thought into the Universe and will inspire others to blossom as well.

And always remember, you will not harvest happiness in the heaviness of others, so use this new moon energy to invest in a magical makeover of mind, body and soul, with living life your way, as your most precious goal!

May miracles follow miracles and blessings never cease…big love, Tanya xxx

***And if you need some awesome inspiration for new disciplined health/body/soul action, you can follow

Chelsea is my phenomenal daughter…her vitality is her reality!

Artist: Portrait with Flowers by Elena

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