What Does Grow in Grace Mean?

What Does Grow in Grace Mean?

Something I have always told myself is to 'grow in grace' - it's a line I utter inwardly when I feel a little overwhelmed or frustrated with myself and/or others...these words help to balance me into my own planet of perfection and peace. 

As your own planet of perfection in the cosmic seas of creation, you are truly unique and your perspectives on life and the gifts you came to shine and share with the cosmos will not be the same as anyone else. They may appear to be similar, but they will not be the same; just as choices made for you by another may seem like a good way, but not necessarily the right way for your unique planetary alignment. This is the beauty of being unapologetically you, and this is what the entire Universe is wishing for you to know is true.

When you can grasp your goodness and fully recognise how vibrant and valuable you are in contributing your evolving energy to the earth, you will embody your worth and grow in grace.

I guess I feel grace as an acronym in my heart;

G - to give generously; of my time, my love and my capacity to listen.

R - to take full responsibility for my personal joy and communication.

A - to take action in co-creating a life I love to live.

C - to have compassion and always show loving kindness.

E - to embody the energy of the beloved Divine in my body and my being.

Perhaps this will support you to treasure your True Divine Nature and absolutely adore all that you are and all that you are becoming, in this moment and the next and the next...

Big love...Tanya xxx

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