I love to understand the beauty, meaning and energy of everything that I am drawn to and choose to place in my home or wear on my body. I have always adored brass! I love the shine, the weight and the way that brass seems to become even more beautiful as it ages…maybe I possibly relate because I feel that I just get better with age too!
Brass is a blend of zinc and copper, and differing ratios in the blend produce a different appearance in the brass; all these metals are considered holy and brass is a favourite for the gorgeous vessels used in temples and for statues and objects to have in your home.
Spiritually, brass brings clarity because it is considered ‘the truth seeker’! It reveals all your natural goodness and supports you to speak your truth. Brass loves to merge with the fullness of your body chemistry so you shine and share your uniqueness with the world. It holds the energy of bright light and will purify toxic environments with love and goodwill.
Now you can understand why your soul lights up when seeing or holding a brass object or keepsake…it is aligning with an ancient awareness that values the spiritual properties of precious metals and is enhanced tenfold by the form of the brass…like a dragonfly, urn or deity.
Big love and blessings, may you surround yourself in beauty and grace…all love, Tanya xxx