As is always the way for me when a year is coming to completion, I begin to sense the energy behind the numerology of the New Year and the symbolism or spiritual guidance that aligns with it.
2023 (2+0+2+3 =7) gifts us with a Universal 7 year that is known as the number of creation and spiritual awakening. It is the number that nurtures the Divine Plan of living heaven on Earth. That moves to make this manifest as your reality through an inward and upward connection and it is the beloved symbolism of the mighty Tree of life that best supports the spirituality of 7.
This is truly a deeply spiritual year. A year to root yourself into the fertile soil of your soul and seek the ancient knowledge within…the knowledge of your true Divine nature. When you look to the beliefs embraced by many cultures around the world, you begin to sense the sacred power of 7.
In Hinduism the 7 chakras govern all aspects of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Native American culture considers the number 7 as sacred and intimately connected to the cycles of life. Christianity believes the world was created in 7 days and associates it with completion and perfection and although 7 is known as Mother/Father God’s number, and holds an ethereal energy, there is nothing fluffy or fantastical about it!
Rather it speaks of a Divine reality represented by the Tree of life. The mythology of the Mayans, Celts and Nordic people align their spirituality to the sacred knowledge of the Tree of Life and throughout this year you will flourish and thrive by sensing yourself as a beloved branch of the mighty Tree of Life; anchored into the earth and awake to the light of the Great Central Sun!
Your natural knowing and intuition will expand beyond belief this year! A co-creation of awakening through the sheer breathtaking beauty of the landscapes you live and love.
Through the astonishing colours of the bird and insects. The sunrise that moves you to tears. The flowers that perfume your path. The moon that heals your emotional body. The ocean breeze that kisses your skin with the promise of something new. The red dirt and baked earth that beckons you to believe in new growth. Through dandelion wishes, creatures in the clouds and the remarkable renewal of the cycles and seasons, you come to embody and believe in the sheer miracle of you and of Life!
Every single thing in nature has a purpose, whether it’s pretty, powerful, prickly or perceived as a nuisance, everything has purpose and potential, and you as a beloved branch of the mighty Tree of Life, with all your brothers & sisters of the world, have this too.
In Mother Nature’s sweet breath, there is absolute acceptance of all Her creations and there is love, unconditional love for all that you are; for all your detours, disasters, designs and distractions…there is always acceptance of you. It is given freely and there are no exceptions.
Will you lean in to the nurture of nature and learn to love yourself in the moment? For in this year of deep spiritual expansion you must return to the earth and rise your own way!
This is a year to focus on fulfilment in your daily work. Are you sharing your true gifts and skills with the world? Are you happy? Many people will make new choices around their chosen careers; if you chose a path to please others, you will change that. If you are drowning in a toxic environment, you will change that. If you have always yearned to monetise your true magic, you will do this. This is a year of good fortune for those that choose the truth of their heart…the world is changing, you are changing, go with the flow of new consciousness and open your awareness to new possibilities of prosperity, purpose and potential.
You are a Child of the Universe! Branch out, break free and Be as a beloved tree. As a sacred living symbol of love, peace and plenty on earth and please receive in your heart, that the rainbow is the colour of 7! The Rainbow arches and reveals itself to you offering confirmation that only you can understand….
2023 is about right relationship with yourself and with the world…may you grow in the abundance of grace…
All love and blessings of radiance as you choose to simply Be with the beauty of 2023...Tanya xxx