We are living in a time of global disruption; old beliefs are crumbling as we awaken to see the world around us through a new lens of love.
With this lens you are recognising the wisdom within you, reclaiming your power and your peace, and although this feels both vulnerable and vibrant, you sense intuitively that you were born for these tines as a Torchbearer, ready to rise in leadership, that has a new language - a language of compassion, acceptance, understanding and love.
This is the Divine Feminine flowing and growing in your heart; seeds of new consciousness are beginning to flourish as seedlings, pushing through the density of fear and control to lift you into your higher heart flame that is ready to reclaim the teachings of Mary Magdalene and orchestrate new opportunities with the gifts that you have been given to give…
Mary Magdalene is of the Order of the Blue Rose - a sacred lineage that stretches back to the time of Goddess Isis and her Mystery School teachings, a lineage that lives the true Christ light, that is outside of any religion, free of fear and without parameters..it is the Way of Love.
To walk the Way of Love is to walk with self-worth, strength, courage and confidence, trusting that no-one and no-thing can weaken your willingness or interfere with Divine inspiration, co-creation or your inner transformation.
You are a Magdalene Rose held in the sapphire sea blue light, a light that lives in your higher heart, waiting for you to stand apart and walk a new way because every day is pregnant with promise and possibility…this is your birthright and your blessing!
May you feel the freedom of the Divine Feminine flow and grow you in grace…lean into your leadership, you were born for these times!
All love and illumination…Tanya xxx
***You will find a beautiful statue of Mary Magdalene here