You Matter and You Make a Difference

You Matter and You Make a Difference

All of us who love to be of service in real, authentic and empowering ways in our work, home and general environments can experience feelings of ‘give-up’; snapshots of time where we feel overwhelmed by dense energies, where we feel that nothing we do really matters, or that our good intentions are not appreciated or received in any way.

This is your natural inner knowing, indicating that your soul needs stillness, renewal and regeneration. Surrender to this calling. It is the voice of the Divine pulling you back into your power, and through quiet moments of meditation, prayer or walks with nature, you will anchor once more to the beautiful light that lives within you.

Visualise your body as a vessel of light. Bring the golden light rays of wellness to you and through you, illuminate every cell with this radiance, cutting cords of attachment to drama and doubt. Experience your light as a flame, a fiery feeling of joy, love and gratitude that flows from your heart and aligns your awareness once more to the truth of who you really are; a living prayer of love and light.

This opens within you a space of grace; fuel to flow forward in life, free of expectations and limitations, with a happy heart in service to yourself and those around you.

Love Out Loud! Trust in your own truth and know that you are guided, guarded and protected. You matter, you make a difference and you are enough.

I celebrate your true Divine nature and your willingness to walk your wonderful into this world...only love...Tanya xxx

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