
July Full Moon in Aquarius - Grace - Sacred Space

July Full Moon in Aquarius

You are living life in the midst of massive transformation; experiencing your own personal revelation of how you wish to walk this global shift in consciousness. How powerfully perfect that...

July Full Moon in Aquarius

You are living life in the midst of massive transformation; experiencing your own personal revelation of how you wish to walk this global shift in consciousness. How powerfully perfect that...

Is Clairaudience Your Superpower? - Grace - Sacred Space

Is Clairaudience Your Superpower?

Clairaudient – Clear Hearing  You ‘hear’ the call of the Ancients, the Wise Ones. You sense the song in the winds and the sounds of nature in your heart. You...

Is Clairaudience Your Superpower?

Clairaudient – Clear Hearing  You ‘hear’ the call of the Ancients, the Wise Ones. You sense the song in the winds and the sounds of nature in your heart. You...

Is Claircognizance Your Superpower? - Grace - Sacred Space

Is Claircognizance Your Superpower?

Claircognizant  You ‘know’ without knowing exactly how you know. Great wisdom flows to and through you – you are the record keeper, the “librarian of the Light Worker”. Your angelic nature lends...

Is Claircognizance Your Superpower?

Claircognizant  You ‘know’ without knowing exactly how you know. Great wisdom flows to and through you – you are the record keeper, the “librarian of the Light Worker”. Your angelic nature lends...

Is Clairvoyance Your Superpower? - Grace - Sacred Space

Is Clairvoyance Your Superpower?

Clairvoyance  You ‘see’ beyond the illusion of what is, to what is known to be true. You feel as if you live in two worlds, two dimensional planes, accessing information with...

Is Clairvoyance Your Superpower?

Clairvoyance  You ‘see’ beyond the illusion of what is, to what is known to be true. You feel as if you live in two worlds, two dimensional planes, accessing information with...

Rose Quartz Love Bundle Giveaway - Grace - Sacred Space

Rose Quartz Love Bundle Giveaway

Grace Sacred Space and Tanya M AshaTara's Guided Meditation Podcast present a special Rose Quartz Love Bundle Giveaway valued at over $425. Radiate and receive love with the supreme heart...

Rose Quartz Love Bundle Giveaway

Grace Sacred Space and Tanya M AshaTara's Guided Meditation Podcast present a special Rose Quartz Love Bundle Giveaway valued at over $425. Radiate and receive love with the supreme heart...

Is Clairsentience your Superpower? - Grace - Sacred Space

Is Clairsentience your Superpower?

Clairsentient – Clear Feeling You feel everything! You make all of your decisions based on how you ‘feel’ about them. You are able to immediately sense the true feelings of...

Is Clairsentience your Superpower?

Clairsentient – Clear Feeling You feel everything! You make all of your decisions based on how you ‘feel’ about them. You are able to immediately sense the true feelings of...